Monday, March 28, 2011

Week of March 21, 2011

From Cinda:

Monday was back to classes for me, and back to the GIC.  Karen and I did supervision and I updated the blog.  We developed a plan for me to start doing some intakes, and then work with a client or two.  We're also going to try and beef up the volunteer program, which means I will be doing some recruitment work at schools, churches, and in the community.

Tuesday Kate, Karen, Anne and I attended a lecture at GSSW on a new intervention to help prevent homelessness.  CTI (Critical Time Intervention) is a 9-month long highly intensive intervention by a CTI caseworker with a homeless client.  I'm not sure there is good application for issues of homelessness in the transgender community, but what I thought was interesting was the fact that the model sort of looks like the clinical case management that we're doing at the Gender Center.  I think the idea behind the model might be useful as we think about the services we provide.

Wednesday I put together an e-mail and then sent it out to several departments at DU, inviting students who were interested to volunteer at the Gender Center between April and August.  We'll see if we get any bites.  Next it will be time to send that e-mail out to folks at Metro, CU Denver, and other schools.  I also pulled together a list of welcoming churches and I need to craft a separate message for them.  I also need to get a list of potential places to contact figured out!

I'm now coming in on Thursdays rather than Tuesdays, since one of my spring quarter classes is on Tuesday afternoons.  It's a little odd to be here on a Thursday, but I was able to sit in on an intake to see how that is handled.  This is my observation run before I do it myself.  I also caught up on some of the data entry.  And started hunting up the e-mail addresses for the college departments we want to hit for volunteers.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week of March 14, 2011

From Cinda:

This was what DU calls Spring Break for me.  It's really just a week off between the Winter and Spring quarters, to give us a chance to decompress before coming back and continuing with two of our courses (Clinical and Community).

I took the time to get over being sick, and to get an Independent Study paper written, so it really wasn't much of a break, but it was nice to be able to sleep in guilt free for a week!   

Monday I came in to facilitate the evening open group, but no one stopped in.  And then Friday I came in for a tech meeting, but hadn't seen the e-mail to let me know that it had been moved from noon to 10 a.m.  But, I got in an hour, at least!

Week of March 7, 2011

From Cinda:

Monday I was in doing the the usual stuff, working on volunteers and inputting some data.  Mostly just manning the front desk.

Tuesday I was home sick.  Not good right before the end of the quarter, but I think the stress just finally catches up with you at some point!

Week of February 28, 2011

From Cinda:

Monday I was in all alone…  This place can be too quiet!  I cleared my e-mail, coordinated some with my community group-mates, since we're working on unequal access to shelter beds among transgender homeless.  I also input the demographics cards, and the visitor sign-in sheets from February so I can scan in the February pages on Wednesday.  I also added the data for the phone logs.  Then, Geno arrived!  Cool, it's just too quiet here alone!  I learned how to forward and un-forward the phone as well – I'm so proud!

Tuesday, back to the GIC!  More data entry today, as well as several phone calls, which was nice.  I created blurbs to hopefully recruit more volunteers, and clients for clinical hours.  Did some supervision and made some plans for the spring quarter, which is only a month away. 

Wednesday I scanned in the visitor sign-in sheets for February, and all of the phone logs through the end of February.

Week of February 21, 2011

From Cinda:

Monday, in to the GIC, hanging with one of the volunteers while Karen worked in the back on the Gold Rush.  We had visitors drop in and had some nice chats.  We're also trying to get a new version of the clinical workshops printed, but the computer and the printer aren't talking to each other!  I also added demographics cards to the spreadsheet.  After Karen and volunteer left it was quiet, so I did some work for school while I waited to see who might drop in.

Tuesday, I was back at the GIC doing more little projects.  It was nice to be able to get a bunch of these small things done, and it broughht our data entry up to date.

Friday and Saturday I was at the Gold Rush, in the clinical track, which was amazing.  We heard from several experts in the field, asked questions, and had a really enjoyable time learning a lot of stuff.  This was really an amazing event and I can't wait to do it again next year!

Week of February 14, 2011

From Cinda:

Monday it's back to the usual routine.  There are now lots of small things that need to get done, so I plunged in to see how many we could accomplish today!  Straightened up the front desk drawers, started on the opening/closing procedures for the volunteers, caught up the blog and added Anne's entries, added Anne and I to the GIC webpage under interns, sent e-mail to the volunteers to sign up for March, worked on info on appointments, and talked with Karen about classes, student night and Gold Rush.  Tried to add a link to a blog on the web resources and discovered that I don't know how to do that.  So I e-mailed it to Beth and asked for instruction on how to accomplish that.  Back Monday night for open hours, but another facilitator was here.

Tuesday, back to the GIC.  I e-mailed myself the new demographics card and tried to see if I can fix it using Acrobat Pro, which I couldn't, but it was easy to do in Word, with a little tweaking.  But now we have demographic cards we can ask folks to fill out so we can collect anonymous data for grants!  Anne dropped in with her dog (Layla, who is too cute!) and we talked about me picking up some of the clinical stuff over the summer, which would be great.  She added her description to the "current interns," too.  I'd like to get some more clinical practice before next year.  Geno and I held down the fort after Karen had to leave.

Wednesday, I scanned in the visitor sign-in sheets so we'll have a record.