Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Week of January 3, 2011

From Anne:

Had a great time doing intakes this week!  We had a client who sought us out for some guidance with beginning the process of transition.  It was inspiring to see someone taking this brave step. She was amazingly honest and open with me during the appointment and I’m really looking forward to working with her! We’ve decided at this point, to begin meeting weekly, then taper off eventually as she begins to feel more comfortable in her transition. It was truly great to be a part of this .

From Cinda:

2011, can you believe it?  Back to the Gender Center after a long weekend.  It always feels like I've been away longer than three days.  I've really come to enjoy being here.  More work on the grant this Monday.  By the end of the week I will have it finished and off to Karen for her final edits.  I'm glad it's almost done, but still a little nervous, and probably will be until I hear what Kate has to say.  A couple of drop in folks came by, which is always a delight.  I facilitated the Monday night group and had a great conversation with the one person who came by.

Tuesday, last glance on the grant before I finish it off!  We also had another drop in today.  One of our new folks will be coming back to us for case management.  I enjoyed talking to her and found out that we have books available here for sale!  I need to remember to ask for a receipt book for when this happens again!

Wednesday I attended a pre-grant workshop at the Denver Foundation.  It was very informative.  They have a February 1st deadline, which I don't think we can make, but they also have a June 1st deadline, which I do think we can make.  When I got home from the workshop I polished off the grant I have been working on and sent it off to Karen for her edits!  It gave me a feeling of accomplishment, but I think I'm more nervous than ever!

Thursday I was back at the Gender Center for a team meeting with Miranda.  It's so nice to have her back!  It was a good meeting, and Anne was able to drive me over to campus so I could meet with my professor for my Independent Study and then my seminar.

Friday I was in class from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m.  What was I thinking?  It's a long day, but I think these classes are going to be a lot more applicable to what I'm doing at the Gender Center than the ones I took in the Fall quarter.

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