Monday, March 28, 2011

Week of March 21, 2011

From Cinda:

Monday was back to classes for me, and back to the GIC.  Karen and I did supervision and I updated the blog.  We developed a plan for me to start doing some intakes, and then work with a client or two.  We're also going to try and beef up the volunteer program, which means I will be doing some recruitment work at schools, churches, and in the community.

Tuesday Kate, Karen, Anne and I attended a lecture at GSSW on a new intervention to help prevent homelessness.  CTI (Critical Time Intervention) is a 9-month long highly intensive intervention by a CTI caseworker with a homeless client.  I'm not sure there is good application for issues of homelessness in the transgender community, but what I thought was interesting was the fact that the model sort of looks like the clinical case management that we're doing at the Gender Center.  I think the idea behind the model might be useful as we think about the services we provide.

Wednesday I put together an e-mail and then sent it out to several departments at DU, inviting students who were interested to volunteer at the Gender Center between April and August.  We'll see if we get any bites.  Next it will be time to send that e-mail out to folks at Metro, CU Denver, and other schools.  I also pulled together a list of welcoming churches and I need to craft a separate message for them.  I also need to get a list of potential places to contact figured out!

I'm now coming in on Thursdays rather than Tuesdays, since one of my spring quarter classes is on Tuesday afternoons.  It's a little odd to be here on a Thursday, but I was able to sit in on an intake to see how that is handled.  This is my observation run before I do it myself.  I also caught up on some of the data entry.  And started hunting up the e-mail addresses for the college departments we want to hit for volunteers.

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